School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017,
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003,
2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996,
1995, 1990

2005 preprints

BUW-SC 2005/8:

T. Beelitz, A. Frommer, B. Lang, P. Willems

Symbolic-Numeric Techniques for Solving Nonlinear Systems

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/7:

T. Eitrich, B. Lang

Parallel Tuning of Support Vector Machine Learning Parameters for Large and Unbalanced Data Sets

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/6:

T. Beelitz, A. Frommer, B. Lang, P. Willems

A Framework for Existence Tests Based on the Topological Degree and Homotopy

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/5:

P. Willems, B. Lang, C. Vömel

Computing the Bidiagonal SVD Using Multiple Relatively Robust Representations

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/4:

J. Gräbel, B. Lang, P. Ueberholz

Performance Optimization for the Parallel Gauss-Seidel Smoother

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/3:

C.H. Bischof, H.M. Bücker, B. Lang, A. Rasch, E. Slusanschi

Automatic Differentiation of Large-Scale Codes is no Illusion

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/2:

T. Eitrich, B. Lang

Efficient Optimization of Support Vector Machine Learning Parameters for Unbalanced Data Sets

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2005/1:

T. Beelitz, C.H. Bischof, B. Lang

Efficient Task Scheduling in the Parallel Result-Verifying Solution of Nonlinear Systems

Download: ps.gz

Last modified: 20.04.2022