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2005 preprints
BUW-SC 2005/8:
T. Beelitz, A. Frommer, B. Lang, P. Willems
Symbolic-Numeric Techniques for Solving Nonlinear Systems
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/7:
T. Eitrich, B. Lang
Parallel Tuning of Support Vector Machine Learning Parameters for Large and Unbalanced Data Sets
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/6:
T. Beelitz, A. Frommer, B. Lang, P. Willems
A Framework for Existence Tests Based on the Topological Degree and Homotopy
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/5:
P. Willems, B. Lang, C. Vömel
Computing the Bidiagonal SVD Using Multiple Relatively Robust Representations
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/4:
J. Gräbel, B. Lang, P. Ueberholz
Performance Optimization for the Parallel Gauss-Seidel Smoother
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/3:
C.H. Bischof, H.M. Bücker, B. Lang, A. Rasch, E. Slusanschi
Automatic Differentiation of Large-Scale Codes is no Illusion
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/2:
T. Eitrich, B. Lang
Efficient Optimization of Support Vector Machine Learning Parameters for Unbalanced Data Sets
Download: ps.gz
BUW-SC 2005/1:
T. Beelitz, C.H. Bischof, B. Lang
Efficient Task Scheduling in the Parallel Result-Verifying Solution of Nonlinear Systems
Download: ps.gz
Last modified: 20.04.2022