School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


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1997 preprints

BUGHW-SC 97/8:

Andreas Frommer, Daniel B. Szyld
Asynchronous Iterations with Flexible Communication for Linear Systems

Download: ps.gz

BUGHW-SC 97/7:

Bruno Lang
Verified Quadrature in Determining Newton's Constant of Gravitation
Veröffentlicht in: JUCS 4(1): 16-24

BUGHW-SC 97/6:

Bruno Lang
Effiziente Orthogonaltransformationen bei der Eigen- und Singulärwertzerlegung

Download: ps.gz

BUGHW-SC 97/5:

Janos Korzak
Convergence Analysis of Inexact Infeasible-Interior-Point-Algorithms for Solving Linear Programming Problems

Download: ps.gz

BUGHW-SC 97/4:

Peter Fiebach, Roland W. Freund, Andreas Frommer
Variants of the Block-QMR Method and Applications in Quantum Chromodynamics

Download: ps.gz

BUGHW-SC 97/3:

Andreas Frommer, Björn Medeke
Exploiting Structure in Krylov Subspace Methods for the Wilson Fermion Matrix

Download: ps.gz

BUGHW-SC 97/2:

Andreas Frommer, H. Schwandt, Daniel B. Szyld
Asynchronous Weighted Additive Schwarz Methods
Published in: ETNA 5, 48 - 61 (1997)

BUGHW-SC 97/1:

Bruno Lang
Efficient Algorithms for Reducing Banded Matrices to Bidiagonal and Tridiagonal Form

Download: ps.gz

Last modified: 20.04.2022