School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017,
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003,
2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996,
1995, 1990

2003 preprints

BUW-SC 2003/6:

T. Beelitz, C.H. Bischof, B. Lang

Intervals and OpenMP: Towards an Efficient Parallel Result-Verifying Nonlinear Solver

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2003/5:

T. Beelitz, C.H. Bischof, B. Lang, K. Schulte-Althoff

Result-Verifying Solutions of Nonlinear Systems in the Analysis of Chemical Processes

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2003/4:

A. Frommer, B. Lang, M. Schnurr

A Comparison of the Moore and Miranda Existence Tests

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2003/3:

H. Arndt

Load Balancing: Dimension Exchange on Product Graphs
Published in: Proceedings of IPDPS 2004. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004

Download: ps.gz

BUW-SC 2003/2:

G. Arnold, N. Cundy, J. van den Eshof, A. Frommer, S. Krieg, Th. Lippert, K. Schäfer

Numerical Methods for the QCD Overlap Operator: II. Optimal Krylov Subspace Methods

Download: ps.gz (Matlab-codes and examples)

BUW-SC 2003/1:

S. Borovac, G. Heindl

Result Verification for Computational Problems in Geodesy

Download: ps.gz

Last modified: 20.04.2022